An Experience Level Agreement, or XLA, is an experience metric that measures the gap between the experience you are delivering now and the experience you want to be providing. It can help you identify areas where your current experience falls short and determine what changes need to be made in order to close that gap. XLA can be used to track progress over time, identify areas of improvement, and set goals for improving the customer experience.

XLA is a key component of the customer experience journey management process, and should be regularly monitored to measure the effectiveness of customer experience initiatives. An XLA typically includes three main elements: an Experience Level (the current level of experience you are providing customers), an Experience Goal (the desired level of experience) and an Experience Focus (the areas that need to be addressed in order to close the gap).

XLA is an important part of your customer experience strategy and should be revisited and updated on a regular basis. This will ensure that you are consistently meeting or exceeding your customers’ expectations, while identifying areas where improvement is needed. By regularly monitoring XLA, you can ensure that your customer experience strategy is on track, and that you are staying ahead of the competition.

When developing an XLA, it is important to consider the needs of your customers and what they expect from your business. This will help you create an accurate picture of their experience and determine where improvements can be made. Additionally, working with a customer experience consultant can help you identify areas that need improvement, as well as provide insights into how to effectively achieve your desired experience goals.

Ultimately, an XLA is a great way for organizations to measure and track customer experience over time. By regularly monitoring XLA, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and ensure that they are providing an exceptional customer experience. With XLA, you can identify areas of improvement and make the necessary changes in order to reach your desired level of customer satisfaction.