Leading With Purpose: Harnessing The Power Of Mindsets & Behaviours For Success

Engage. Enable. Empower.
Inspire & Motivate People | Help People Achieve Their Goals & Objectives | Help People Overcome Their Challenges | Steer People Through Change

About Imad Lodhi

Human-Centric Leader | Purpose-Driven Leader | Author of 8 Books & 1100+ Blogs | Frm. Sr. Partner IBM (24+ yrs) | $8.5B+ SO Deals | $100M+ Annual Rev Plans | 1000+ Staff | 100+ SLAs | 52+ Countries | 200+ Clients

Hello, I'm Imad Lodhi. Imagine standing at the crossroads of the world—Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, and North America. Now, picture orchestrating multi-billion dollar deals like a maestro, each note a strategic move that transforms companies, uplifts communities, and shapes the future. That's the essence of my two-decade-long journey in global executive leadership.

I've not just been a player in this grand orchestra; I've been the conductor. I've led ensembles of diverse talents, guiding them through complex compositions—be it outsourcing mega-deals, cloud and data revolutions, or enterprise transformations. My baton? A blend of robust management and leadership systems, governance structures, and an unyielding commitment to operational excellence.

But the music doesn't stop there. I've had the privilege of mentoring a new generation of leaders, each a virtuoso in their own right. Through dedicated coaching and human resource initiatives, I've helped shape the maestros of tomorrow, ensuring that the symphony of leadership continues to enrich the world.

The Team

Imad Lodhi
Isa Lodhi
Google/YouTube Ads Media Buyer
Amaan Lodhi
Sr. FaceBook Media Buyer & Team Leader