We are all human beings with a unique story, purpose and family. Unfortunately, we live in a society that is incredibly focused on reducing people down to numbers or statistics - whether it be their salary, age, race or even the amount of 'likes' they have on social media. This need to compare and contrast has resulted in many false labels and stereotypes being placed upon individuals.

But we are so much more than that – our identity cannot be contained within the narrow walls of these labels or insults. We are shaped by our upbringing, our experiences, and the values that we hold dear.

As a proud Canadian citizen for over four decades, my loyalty to this country runs deep. I have worked hard to provide for my loved ones and my dedication to my community is unwavering. But no matter how hard I work or how much I contribute, some people may still try to belittle me based on the color of my skin, my religion or my immigrant status.

This type of bigotry has no place in Canadian society – in fact, if you look closely enough you’ll find that there isn’t much difference between us at all. We all want success for ourselves and our families; we all strive towards something greater; and most importantly, we all share the same capacity for love and understanding towards one another.

I refuse to be intimidated by any attempts at shaming me into submission – instead I will stand tall and show the world what true strength looks like: A man who refuses to be reduced down into just a statistic but rather chooses to stand as an individual with his own unique story and purpose.