We all know how easy it is to get caught up in the day-to-day minutiae and convince ourselves that we just don’t have the time or resources to pursue our dreams. We wait for other people to come along and give us a leg up or pick us up from the ground. But what if we just decided to empower ourselves?

What benefit would we gain by taking matters into our own hands? Believe it or not, there's power and strength in recognising when you need help and being proactive about finding solutions – instead of passively waiting for them. We can move forward with more control over our lives, rather than relying on external factors.

When you take ownership of your role in your own life, it gives you greater control over your future success. As humans, we’re incredibly adaptable and empowered individuals who have an infinite amount of potential within us. The first step is believing in yourself and embracing any difficult task that gets thrown your way with resilience: this is true empowerment.

It’s important to remember that although no one can give you power without permission, they also cannot take away any power you already possess – it’s yours forever. In order to be successful at whatever goal you set in front of yourself, confidence is key; it allows us to break through societal conventions so that we can make meaningful progress on our goals and dreams.

By having a growth mindset, where we recognise every failure as an opportunity for learning something new about ourselves and our abilities, we can face daunting tasks with enthusiasm rather than fear. This helps us stay focused even when things don’t go according to plan or after initial setbacks. In addition, having good relationships with those around us can help motivate ourselves when times are tough – but ultimately self-empowerment lies within each individual person's hands.

Don’t wait around for others to give you permission before moving forward: take charge of your life! With dedication and commitment towards a positive mindset and actions driven by purposeful intent – anything becomes possible: the sky’s the limit!