We've all been there - stuck in a rut, going through the motions, accepting the status quo. This is what I call "living." It's a state of existence where we're merely surviving, rather than truly thriving. But then there are those who break free from the mold, who refuse to settle for mediocrity, and who are constantly striving for something more. This is what I call "being alive."

So, what's the difference between these two states? And how can we make the shift from simply "living" to truly "being alive"?

The Psychology of Acceptance

When we're "living," we're often operating on autopilot. We've accepted our circumstances, and we're just trying to get by. This is a result of what psychologists call the "default mode network" (DMN) in our brains. The DMN is responsible for our tendency to fall back into familiar patterns and habits, even if they're not serving us well. It's the path of least resistance, and it's what keeps us stuck in a state of complacency.

But when we're "alive," we're actively engaging with the world around us. We're curious, we're passionate, and we're driven to make a difference. This is a result of what psychologists call "flow" - a state of complete absorption and engagement in an activity. Flow is what happens when we're fully invested in our pursuits, and we're not held back by fear, doubt, or uncertainty.

The Power of Purpose

So, what drives people to break free from the status quo and start living a more purposeful life? It's a sense of purpose. When we have a clear understanding of what we want to achieve, and why it matters to us, we're more likely to take risks, push boundaries, and strive for excellence.

Research in positive psychology has shown that having a sense of purpose is linked to greater life satisfaction, happiness, and well-being. It's what gives us direction, motivation, and a sense of meaning. And it's what sets "alive" people apart from those who are simply "living."

The Behavioral Science of Goal-Setting

So, how can we make the shift from "living" to "being alive"? It starts with setting goals that align with our values and passions. But not just any goals - goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Research has shown that setting SMART goals increases our chances of success, and helps us stay motivated and focused.

Additionally, we need to create an environment that supports our goals. This means surrounding ourselves with people who inspire and motivate us, and eliminating distractions and obstacles that stand in our way. It's what behavioral scientists call "choice architecture" - designing our environment to support our goals, rather than working against them.


So, are you living or are you alive? Are you simply existing, or are you truly thriving? The difference lies in our mindset, our sense of purpose, and our willingness to take action.

By recognizing the psychology of acceptance, the power of purpose, and the behavioral science of goal-setting, we can make the shift from "living" to "being alive." We can break free from the status quo, pursue our passions, and create a life that's truly fulfilling.

So, what's holding you back? What's stopping you from being alive? Take the first step today, and start living the life you've always wanted.